by Dan McKiernan, on Apr 23, 2024 4:36:24 PM

The critical importance of working with technology partners who walk the walk every day. In the manufacturing world, digital transformation is no longer a rarity. Having access to the powerful …

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Topics:TechnologyOpinionConnected Process Control

by Jason Bullard, on Jan 11, 2024 4:31:15 PM

The importance of identifying, quantifying, and contextualizing the right metrics and measurables Key performance indicator (KPI) is one of the most commonly and casually used terms when it comes to …

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Topics:TechnologyLean ManufacturingConnected Process Control

by Jason Bullard, on Jul 28, 2023 11:07:21 AM

One of the most meaningful advantages of the new generation of connected process control solutions—and the lean manufacturing environments they power—is the paradigm-shifting level of complete traceability that manufacturers can …

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Topics:TechnologyTraceabilityLean ManufacturingVehicle AssemblyConnected Process Control

by Dan McKiernan, on Jul 10, 2023 8:43:08 AM

Today, growing numbers of manufacturers are embracing the power and possibilities of connected process control technologies and using innovative new solutions to transform their production environments. The best of these …

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Topics:TechnologyLean ManufacturingIndustry 4.0Quality ManagementConnected Process Control

by Jason Bullard, on Jun 23, 2023 2:56:40 PM

Manufacturers can use new tech tools to focus on continuous improvement Successful manufacturers are almost always those who are unafraid to take a hard look in the metaphorical mirror and …

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Topics:TechnologyOpinionLean ManufacturingConnected Process Control

by Tina Kennedy, on Mar 24, 2022 5:18:15 PM

Modern societies have digitally transformed over the past three decades at exponential rates. In the 90s there were approximately 11 million cell phone users and according to Statistica, that number …

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Topics:TechnologyOpinionIndustry 4.0Manufacturing CultureQuality Management

by Jason Bullard, on Feb 22, 2022 8:11:34 AM

For decades—even generations—innovators in manufacturing have worked hard to find ways to minimize the chaos and complexity of manufacturing and production environments. While new technologies have unlocked impressive new advances …

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Topics:TechnologyOpinionIndustry 4.0Digital Work Instructions

by Josh Easterling, on Feb 1, 2022 9:15:00 AM

I want to digitize work instructions, but do I have to start from scratch? As manufacturing evolves and becomes more digital, many companies are looking to transfer from paper-based work …

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Topics:TechnologyOpinionDigital Work Instructions

by Dan McKiernan, on Jul 29, 2019 5:04:08 PM

The Manufacturing sector is becoming more receptive to start-ups and inspired new tech solutions On the surface, the manufacturing sector might seem like an ideal space for technical innovation. But …

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Topics:TechnologyLean ManufacturingIndustry 4.0

by George Jewell, on Jul 9, 2019 3:29:26 PM

Because change can so often evoke uncertainty—and even fear—many businesses choose to stay in their lane. Especially for those that have had some success with a particular product or service, …

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Topics:TechnologyLean ManufacturingIndustry 4.0

The Blog

Our team is a creative bunch that loves learning and pushing the limits to find the best solutions for today's lean manufacturers.  Internal discussions at the office might range from new features that manufacturing process control software should have to machine learning, blockchain technology, or what the future of AR on the plant floor looks like. Check out our blog for opinions, news and trends that we find interesting and think you might too!