Lean Manufacturing Blog / Industry 4.0

by Dan McKiernan, on Mar 18, 2024 10:51:32 AM

Enterprise-wide solutions can facilitate an extraordinary degree of customization and personalization If you’re a company that produces or manufacturers parts and products, you know there are few priorities more important …

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Topics:OpinionLean ManufacturingIndustry 4.0Quality ManagementConnected Process Control

by Jason Bullard, on Dec 18, 2023 10:00:48 AM

The power and potential of data-driven insights, precision analysis, and refinement. Historically, manufacturing production improvements have been surprisingly speculative and theoretical—an ironic reality for an industry that has long been …

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Topics:OpinionLean ManufacturingIndustry 4.0Connected Process Control

by Dan McKiernan, on Nov 13, 2023 5:12:24 PM

Traditionally, manufacturing training processes and protocols are a cost- and labor-intensive proposition that requires painstaking repetition and oversight for operators to master. The conventional method is to assign an experienced …

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Topics:OpinionIndustry 4.0Digital Work InstructionsConnected Process ControlTraining

by Jason Bullard, on Oct 23, 2023 9:02:06 AM

Solving issues before they have a chance to become costly problems One of the frustrating inefficiencies that has long plagued manufacturers—and one that still presents a problem today for those …

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Topics:OpinionIndustry 4.0Quality ManagementConnected Process Control

by Jason Bullard, on Oct 13, 2023 8:30:12 AM

Streamlining and simplifying to drive results In a modern marketplace where customization is king and manufacturers are responding to growing consumer demand with more and more customized products, new tools …

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Topics:OpinionLean ManufacturingIndustry 4.0Connected Process Control

by Dan McKiernan, on Jul 10, 2023 8:43:08 AM

Today, growing numbers of manufacturers are embracing the power and possibilities of connected process control technologies and using innovative new solutions to transform their production environments. The best of these …

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Topics:TechnologyLean ManufacturingIndustry 4.0Quality ManagementConnected Process Control

by Jason Bullard, on Apr 16, 2023 2:00:30 PM

Boost new efficiencies, enhance operational excellence, and improve quality. Often in industry there are inherent tensions between complexity and simplicity, sophistication and clarity, and customization and standardization. Tools and technologies …

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Topics:OpinionIndustry 4.0Digital Work InstructionsQuality ManagementConnected Process Control

by Josh Easterling, on May 19, 2022 6:06:37 PM

When production operators work the pack-out stations, I consider that to be one of the most crucial check points for your parts. If you think about it, those operators are …

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Topics:OpinionLean ManufacturingIndustry 4.0Digital Work InstructionsManufacturing Integrated Platform

by Tina Kennedy, on May 13, 2022 3:49:17 PM

Some people might say that the tried and true method of training new operators is to have them shadow a veteran employee. But what if there's no one with the …

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Topics:OpinionIndustry 4.0Digital Work InstructionsQuality Management

by Tina Kennedy, on Mar 24, 2022 5:18:15 PM

Modern societies have digitally transformed over the past three decades at exponential rates. In the 90s there were approximately 11 million cell phone users and according to Statistica, that number …

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Topics:TechnologyOpinionIndustry 4.0Manufacturing CultureQuality Management

The Blog

Our team is a creative bunch that loves learning and pushing the limits to find the best solutions for today's lean manufacturers.  Internal discussions at the office might range from new features that manufacturing process control software should have to machine learning, blockchain technology, or what the future of AR on the plant floor looks like. Check out our blog for opinions, news and trends that we find interesting and think you might too!