Bridge the Manufacturing Data Gap

Manufacturing's Integrated IoT Platform

It’s powered by Epicor's Connected Process Control solution. Built from the ground up to address the manufacturing data gap, our MES platform provides a connected, collaborative, data-driven environment for real-time visibility and insight.

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Epicor Connected Process Control

Intelligent Data Flows.

Simplified Digital Transformation

While the cost of traditional layers on the plant floor can be extremely expensive and labor intense – from hardware and integration costs to programming and data analysis needs, Epicor Connected Process Control provides significant cost savings and reduces the need for separate layers on the the plant floor – PLCs, HMIs, SCADA and MES/MOM systems.

One application environment with one common navigation and flow from the control of I/O at the sensor level to advanced analytics reporting. Connectivity and direct control covering a wide range of PLCs, sensors, applications and virtually any data source. Intelligent data collection and flow from the shop floor to the top floor for business intelligence and a competitive advantage.

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Epicor Connected Process Control

What can it do?

Epicor Connected Process Control is a no-code/low-code MES system with embedded digital work instructions that has the ability to connect to almost any device with communication capability.

epicor connected process control cloud or onsite hosting


Simple to configure - it's all connected.

It’s one integrated platform. It’s all connected so it doesn’t need months to configure. You can be up and running in just a few days. No more complex layers— no more vendors trying to talk to each other across your manufacturing environment. Turn new solutions on instantly. Workflows can be changed iteratively and quickly, as the system learns and reacts.

Epicor Connected Process Control - Configure your plant


Seamless Connectivity – no programming needed.

Integrated connectivity, allowing for granular data collection from people, processes and assets. Digital transformation simplified.

Epicor Connected Process Control - Collect data in your plant

IoT Devices

Embedded, plug-n-play IoT device connect and instructions make it difficult for operators to make mistakes. Barcode readers, fasteners, pick lights, gauges, vision systems, printers, cobots, augmented reality systems and more.


Plug-n-play PLC connect and process data collection. Supports open protocols including OPC-UA, Modbus as well as any proprietary connectors such as Siemens and Rockwell.

Sensors, Legacy Equipment or Upper Level Systems

Utilizing APIs or a browser based flow editor, seamlessly connect to sensors, older equipment, ERP systems and much more.

Servers & Installations

Install on a VM or server. Host on-site or in the cloud depending on your needs. Get maximum deployment, flexibility and secure configurability.


Process control and error proofing at a new level.

Digital work instructions and process control ensure operators always follow the right procedures, use the right tools with the right tolerance levels, at the right time, enforcing quality standards.

With process data and assembly images (1D and 2D data), get complete traceability and product genealogy to meet compliance requirements and protect against warranty claims. A digital birth certificate, enabling a genetic-like profile on every product at every stage in the manufacturing process.

Learn More About Traceability & Genealogy
Epicor Connected Process Control - Control data in your plant

Collect & Improve

Data-driven manufacturing – a competitive advantage for your operations.

Epicor Connected Process Control is powered by the process data – providing granular manufacturing data down to the most basic task level. All in one place.

Intelligent Process Data enables powerful end-to-end people and data collaboration across the enterprise. Everyone from the shop floor to the top floor can see the status of your production line and get real-time actionable insight. The ability to constantly monitor, adjust and improve the manufacturing process – at the edge and in the cloud.

Learn More About Business Intelligence
Epicor Connected Process Control - Collect data in your plant

Reports & Dashboards

With Epicor's Business Intelligence module, turn data silos into powerful reports and dashboards. Get actionable insight for every station, line, plant or enterprise wide needs. With virtually unlimited configurations, monitor key performance indicators (KPIs), historical trends and real-time data that impacts your operations. Easily identify outliers, receive alerts when critical parameters are out of control and continuously improve.

Station Cycle Times

Quality Summary

Torque Tool Data

Repair, Rework, Reject Codes

Material Usage

Shift Summary

OEE & Downtime

Genealogy & Part History

Line Balance Report

and many more...

Industry 4.0 Goals.

Transitioning to the Digital Era

Industry 4.0 transitions can seem like a lot, but we make it easy. A smart factory solution to digitize, track and scale.

Why Projects Fail

Missing the problem and data-based objectives up front

If you don’t know what you’re trying to solve for your Industry 4.0 goals will become over complicated and lead to inaction. Start with identifying and solving one problem now and lay a framework to more easily solve future problems.

Not Process Savvy

Not understanding the internal manufacturing process. This is key when trying to develop and implement a digital framework.

No Internal Champion

No key person in-house with product and process knowledge to lead the initiative and act as a key support resource to team members. This person embraces change with a strong, measurable impact on your technology's adoption and success.

No Management Support

Project being driven from the bottom-up with no upper management support. Not willing to invest the time and resources to deploy and manage the project which can often have a 2-3 year commitment.

Company Culture

Content with the status quo and don’t feel digitalization will make a difference. Not invested in the project or its success.

Not Data Driven

Not utilizing and optimizing data opportunities to drive continuous improvement, measure project objectives and ROI.

Data Silos

Departmental, isolated data silos and teams that prevent a collaborative environment and unified goals. Without a clear view of all relevant data, appropriate decision-making and Industry 4.0 goals are hindered.


Manufacturing Expertise

We get manufacturing! Our team has grown from the factory floor up, with engineering and process management backgrounds to help solve some of the toughest problems.

Mission Critical Technology

Our platform is developed using innovative, secure, web-based technology with focus on mobile, cloud, big data analytics and mission critical manufacturing operations.

Simplified Process Control - Even in High Mix Assembly

Flexible configurations and advanced process control. Error proofing and traceability, even in complex manufacturing, has never been easier.

Plug-n-play Device Connectivity

Connectivity and direct control covering a wide range of PLCs, sensors, applications and virtually any data source. Plug-n-play, comprehensive solution with no programming or app templates required.


Our platform provides a scalable Industry 4.0 solution that grows with you when you’re ready – whether factory-wide or throughout the enterprise globally.

Data Insight & Business Intelligence

Easily collect data from people, processes and assets. Turn granular data into real-time visibility and insight of operations for continuous improvement and a competitive advantage.

Support through the whole process

We want your digitization goals to be a success! Our dedicated support team along with the online Learning Center will help you every step of the way.

What Does a Manufacturing Integrated Platform Do?

What Does a Manufacturing Integrated Platform Do?

Great Question. Watch this video now to find out!

lean manufacturing plant floor

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