Lean Manufacturing Blog / Team Building

by Jason Bullard, on Jun 2, 2023 10:21:24 AM

Empowering employees to share best practices and improve processes. We are living in a moment when there is justifiable excitement about the game-changing power and pace at which cutting-edge technologies …

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Topics:Team BuildingOpinionConnected Process Control

by Israel Vicars, on Mar 29, 2018 8:58:55 PM

by Israel Vicars, Software Developer at eFlex Connecting socially outside the office can be a challenge. At eFlex, a bowling league has helped team members across the company spend time …

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Topics:Team Building

The Blog

Our team is a creative bunch that loves learning and pushing the limits to find the best solutions for today's lean manufacturers.  Internal discussions at the office might range from new features that manufacturing process control software should have to machine learning, blockchain technology, or what the future of AR on the plant floor looks like. Check out our blog for opinions, news and trends that we find interesting and think you might too!