by Jason Bullard, on Jan 25, 2024 10:44:23 AM

How to safeguard your smart factory from costly errors Growing numbers of manufacturing decision makers are recognizing that a successful digital transformation not only confers a competitive advantage but is …

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Topics:OpinionLean ManufacturingManufacturing CultureConnected Process Control

by Jason Bullard, on Jan 11, 2024 4:31:15 PM

The importance of identifying, quantifying, and contextualizing the right metrics and measurables Key performance indicator (KPI) is one of the most commonly and casually used terms when it comes to …

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Topics:TechnologyLean ManufacturingConnected Process Control

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Our team is a creative bunch that loves learning and pushing the limits to find the best solutions for today's lean manufacturers.  Internal discussions at the office might range from new features that manufacturing process control software should have to machine learning, blockchain technology, or what the future of AR on the plant floor looks like. Check out our blog for opinions, news and trends that we find interesting and think you might too!