The State of Manufacturing Process Control in 2019

Discover the groundbreaking software and systems reshaping the New Factory Floor


eBook Download

What's in the eBook?

Learn how the New Factory Floor can transform traditional manufacturers into powerful and flexible digital enterprises, providing a decisive competitive advantage.


A comprehensive breakdown on the the state of process control


A deep dive into what makes up a Manufacturing Integrated Platform


An infographic on the displacement of the traditional automation stack

What’s a MIP?

Manufacturing Integrated Platform (MIP)

MIP solutions deliver a new level of plant floor control, visibility and error-proofing, making it easier than ever before to configure and manage your manufacturing environment, standardize work instructions and process control, and monitor and enforce quality standards. The best examples make it possible to seamlessly connect and enable devices and ensure parameters are always met, collecting extraordinarily detailed and granular process data and cycle times. The bottom line is that a MIP ensures that products and processes are done right—each and every time.

Epicor Connected Process Control Infographic